How do I get a stronger core for lifting?
Best Core Exercises for Weightlifters Weighted Plank, Back Extension, Side Bend, Overhead Carry, Hanging Leg Lift, Deadbug, Cable Crunch
The Best Strength Training Exercises for a Strong Core
Having a strong core is essential for daily activities, as well as physical activities. The core consists of the muscles of the abdomen and lower back, and having a strong core is linked with improved posture, better balance, and reduced back pain. Strength training exercises are a great way to build and maintain a strong core. Here are some of the best strength training exercises for a strong core.
The first exercise for a strong core is the plank. Planking is a great way to engage all the core muscles, helping to improve posture, balance, and reduce back pain. To do a plank, start by getting into a push-up position, with your hands directly under your shoulders. Then, lower your body onto your forearms, keeping your hips as still as possible. Engage your core by drawing your belly button towards your spine, and hold this position for 30-60 seconds.
Next, bridges are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the lower back. To do a bridge, start by lying on your back with your feet hip-width apart and your arms flat by your sides. Then, lift your hips off the ground, keeping your toes, heels, and shoulders still. Once in the bridge position, hold for 2-3 seconds, and then lower your hips back down to the ground.
Bicycle crunch is another fantastic exercise for the core. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, as well as engages the lower back. To do a bicycle crunch, start by lying on your back with your arms behind your head. Then, lift your legs up so that your shins are parallel to the ground. Then, curl your upper body up towards your knees, and rotate from side to side, as if you’re pedaling a bike.
Finally, the side plank is a great exercise for engaging the core muscles and improving balance and stability. To do a side plank, lay on your side with your forearm directly beneath your shoulder. Then, lift your hips towards the ceiling and hold for 30-60 seconds. After the time is up, switch sides and repeat.
Overall, strength training exercises are an excellent way to build and maintain a strong core. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, the list of best strength training exercises for a strong core also includes dead bugs, mountain climbers, and weighted ab exercises. Incorporate these exercises into your regular workouts, and you’ll be well on your way to having a healthy and strong core.